Commit c2e78db4 by 乔延琦

Merge branch 'develop-fengjiansheng' into 'develop'

format(@gms/gms-plugin-billexpend): 修改外部依赖引入方式

See merge request GFP/RBC/rbc-frontend!49
parents 99e91438 0443998e
......@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
"viewerjs": "^1.10.2",
"vue": "^2.6.11",
"vue-router": "^3.2.0",
"vuex": "^3.4.0"
"vuex": "^3.4.0",
"currency.js": "^1.2.2"
"files": [
import _ from "./FormulaConstants";
import currency from "./currencyUtil.js"
import currency from 'currency.js/dist/currency.js'
* 金额比较公式
* 比较左右两个操作数是否相等 参数可以是返回值类型为number的公式
* currency.js - v2.0.4
* Copyright (c) 2021 Jason Wilson
* Released under MIT license
'use strict';
var defaults = {
symbol: '$',
separator: ',',
decimal: '.',
errorOnInvalid: false,
precision: 2,
pattern: '!#',
negativePattern: '-!#',
format: format,
fromCents: false
var round = function round(v) {
return Math.round(v);
var pow = function pow(p) {
return Math.pow(10, p);
var rounding = function rounding(value, increment) {
return round(value / increment) * increment;
var groupRegex = /(\d)(?=(\d{3})+\b)/g;
var vedicRegex = /(\d)(?=(\d\d)+\d\b)/g;
* Create a new instance of currency.js
* @param {number|string|currency} value
* @param {object} [opts]
function currency(value, opts) {
var that = this;
if (!(that instanceof currency)) {
return new currency(value, opts);
var settings = Object.assign({}, defaults, opts),
precision = pow(settings.precision),
v = parse(value, settings);
that.intValue = v;
that.value = v / precision; // Set default incremental value
settings.increment = settings.increment || 1 / precision; // Support vedic numbering systems
// see:
if (settings.useVedic) {
settings.groups = vedicRegex;
} else {
settings.groups = groupRegex;
} // Intended for internal usage only - subject to change
this.s = settings;
this.p = precision;
function parse(value, opts) {
var useRounding = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
var v = 0,
decimal = opts.decimal,
errorOnInvalid = opts.errorOnInvalid,
decimals = opts.precision,
fromCents = opts.fromCents,
precision = pow(decimals),
isNumber = typeof value === 'number',
isCurrency = value instanceof currency;
if (isCurrency && fromCents) {
return value.intValue;
if (isNumber || isCurrency) {
v = isCurrency ? value.value : value;
} else if (typeof value === 'string') {
var regex = new RegExp('[^-\\d' + decimal + ']', 'g'),
decimalString = new RegExp('\\' + decimal, 'g');
v = value.replace(/\((.*)\)/, '-$1') // allow negative e.g. (1.99)
.replace(regex, '') // replace any non numeric values
.replace(decimalString, '.'); // convert any decimal values
v = v || 0;
} else {
if (errorOnInvalid) {
throw Error('Invalid Input');
v = 0;
if (!fromCents) {
v *= precision; // scale number to integer value
v = v.toFixed(4); // Handle additional decimal for proper rounding.
return useRounding ? round(v) : v;
* Formats a currency object
* @param currency
* @param {object} [opts]
function format(currency, settings) {
var pattern = settings.pattern,
negativePattern = settings.negativePattern,
symbol = settings.symbol,
separator = settings.separator,
decimal = settings.decimal,
groups = settings.groups,
split = ('' + currency).replace(/^-/, '').split('.'),
dollars = split[0],
cents = split[1];
return (currency.value >= 0 ? pattern : negativePattern).replace('!', symbol).replace('#', dollars.replace(groups, '$1' + separator) + (cents ? decimal + cents : ''));
currency.prototype = {
* Adds values together.
* @param {number} number
* @returns {currency}
add: function add(number) {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_settings = this.s,
_precision = this.p;
return currency((intValue += parse(number, _settings)) / (_settings.fromCents ? 1 : _precision), _settings);
* Subtracts value.
* @param {number} number
* @returns {currency}
subtract: function subtract(number) {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_settings = this.s,
_precision = this.p;
return currency((intValue -= parse(number, _settings)) / (_settings.fromCents ? 1 : _precision), _settings);
* Multiplies values.
* @param {number} number
* @returns {currency}
multiply: function multiply(number) {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_settings = this.s;
return currency((intValue *= number) / (_settings.fromCents ? 1 : pow(_settings.precision)), _settings);
* Divides value.
* @param {number} number
* @returns {currency}
divide: function divide(number) {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_settings = this.s;
return currency(intValue /= parse(number, _settings, false), _settings);
* Takes the currency amount and distributes the values evenly. Any extra pennies
* left over from the distribution will be stacked onto the first set of entries.
* @param {number} count
* @returns {array}
distribute: function distribute(count) {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_precision = this.p,
_settings = this.s,
distribution = [],
split = Math[intValue >= 0 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](intValue / count),
pennies = Math.abs(intValue - split * count),
precision = _settings.fromCents ? 1 : _precision;
for (; count !== 0; count--) {
var item = currency(split / precision, _settings); // Add any left over pennies
pennies-- > 0 && (item = item[intValue >= 0 ? 'add' : 'subtract'](1 / precision));
return distribution;
* Returns the dollar value.
* @returns {number}
dollars: function dollars() {
return ~~this.value;
* Returns the cent value.
* @returns {number}
cents: function cents() {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_precision = this.p;
return ~~(intValue % _precision);
* Formats the value as a string according to the formatting settings.
* @param {boolean} useSymbol - format with currency symbol
* @returns {string}
format: function format(options) {
var _settings = this.s;
if (typeof options === 'function') {
return options(this, _settings);
return _settings.format(this, Object.assign({}, _settings, options));
* Formats the value as a string according to the formatting settings.
* @returns {string}
toString: function toString() {
var intValue = this.intValue,
_precision = this.p,
_settings = this.s;
return rounding(intValue / _precision, _settings.increment).toFixed(_settings.precision);
* Value for JSON serialization.
* @returns {float}
toJSON: function toJSON() {
return this.value;
module.exports = currency;
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