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outline: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(45,140,240,.2); } .search-icon{ position: relative; z-index: 2; font-size: 20px; color: @border-color-base; left: 10px; } .search-button{ position: relative; right: 30px; z-index: 2; font-size: 18px; color: @border-color-base; } .search-panel{ // position: relative; min-width: 260px; } .sf-button-create{ height: 30px; background: #409c9c; border: 1px solid #409c9c; border-radius: 4px; position: relative; // top: 1px; font-family: PingFangSC-Regular; font-size: 12px; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; margin-top: -3px; padding-top: 3px; } .sf-content-panel{ background-color: @background-color; // height: 85%; height: calc(~"100% - 44px"); margin: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: auto; } .sf-root-panel{ height: 100%; } .sf-header-panel{ // border-bottom: 1px solid #d8dde8; height: 44px; color: @title-color; background-color: @background-color; padding-left: 18px; line-height: 44px; } .sf-vertical-center-modal{ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; .ivu-modal{ top: 0; } .ivu-modal-content{ background-color: transparent !important; box-shadow: none !important; } } </style> <template> <div class="root-function"> <transition-group z-index="1" :enter-active-class="enterActiveClass" :leave-active-class="leaveActiveClass"> <div v-show="!modalEdit" key="list" style="height:100%;"> <div :class="'dcb'"> <div class="header-panel" style="height:46px;background:rgba(255,255,255,1);border-bottom:#E8E8E8 solid 1px"> <div style="float:left;font-size: 16px"> <span>{{title?title:"新闻管理"}}</span> </div> <div style="float:right;margin-right:30px;"> <Button type="primary" class="button-create" v-if="true" v-on:click="showCreateArticle" style=" background: white; color: #409C9C;"> 新建 </Button> </div> <div style="float: right;margin-right: -12px;line-height:0px;margin-top:8px;"> <div class="search-panel"> <Icon type="ios-search" class="search-icon" v-on:click="monitorKeyboard"></Icon> <input :placeholder="'输入标题进行搜索'" v-model="searchValue" @keyup.13="monitorKeyboard($event)" class="search-input"/> <Button type="text" @click="deleteSearchValue" class="search-button" style="padding:0px;line-height: inherit;" v-show="searchValue!= ''"> <i class="iconfont icon-shanchuliucheng" style="font-size:10px"/> </Button> </div> </div> </div> <div style="width:100%;height:100%;padding:12px"> <div v-if="showGroup" style="width:100%;height:44px;border-bottom:1px solid #E8E8E8 ;background-color:white"> <div @click="groupAllSelect" style="width:100px;height:42px;float:left;text-align:center"> <div style="height:42px;padding-top:19px;font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"><span :style="(!(checkedGroupId&&checkedGroupId!=''))?'color:#409C9C':''">全部</span></div> <div v-if="!(checkedGroupId&&checkedGroupId!='')" style="height:1px;width:28px;background-color:#409C9C;margin-left:34px"></div> </div> <div v-for="element in groupList" :key="element.orderField" @click="groupClick(element)" style="width:100px;height:42px;float:left;text-align:center"> <div style="height:42px;padding-top:13px;font-size:14px;font-weight:600;padding-top:19px;"> <span :style="element.selected?'color:#409C9C':''">{{element.title}}</span></div> <div v-if="element.selected" style="height:1px;width:28px;background-color:#409C9C;margin-left:34px"></div> </div> <div style="width:50px;height:44px;text-align:center;padding-top:16px;float:right" @click="showGroupEdit"> <Icon class="iconfont icon-shezhi"></Icon></div> </div> <news-query :groupId="checkedGroupId" @batchPublish="publishNews" @batchDelete="discardNews" :functionGroup="functionGroup" :titleSearch="searchValue" :fieldDefine="listFieldDefine" :title="config.title" ref="newsQuery" @activity="onActivityEnroll" @rowClick="onRowClick" /> </div> </div> </div> <div v-show="modalEdit" key="editor" style="height:100%;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;right:0px;"> <div style="height:46px;width:100%;padding:7px;background:white;padding-right:12px;border-bottom:#E8E8E8 1px solid"> <div style="margin-top:10px;float:left;width: calc(100% - 300px);overflow: hidden;padding-top:1px;text-overflow: ellipsis;" @click="goBackToList" > <div style="float:left;"> <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-ios-undo" style="font-size:20px; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;"/> </div> <div style="float:left; margin-top: 3px; margin-left: 4px;"> <span style="font-size:14px;font-family:'苹方-简 中黑体';font-weight:500;color:#555555;">{{this.edittingTitle}}</span> </div> </div> <i-button v-show="modalEditArticle" type="primary" size="large" @click.native="saveArticle" style="float:right;height:32px;font-size:13px">保存</i-button> <i-button v-show="modalEditCarousel&&!modalEditArticle" type="primary" size="large" @click.native="saveCarousel" style="float:right;height:32px;font-size:13px">保存</i-button> <i-button v-show="modalEditCarousel||modalEditArticle" :type="this.edittingPublished?'':'primary'" size="large" @click.native="changePublished" style="float:right;margin-right:10px;height:32px;font-size:13px">{{this.edittingPublished?"已发布":"发布"}}</i-button> <!-- <div v-show="modalEditArticle" style="float:right;margin-right:10px"> <Dropdown trigger="click"> <Button class="sf-button-create" style="height:31px;background:white;font-size:12px;padding-top:4px;margin-top:1px;margin-left:4px " > <span style="color:#409C9C" @click.stop="previewMobile">预览</span> <Icon type="ios-arrow-down" style="color:#409C9C"></Icon> </Button> <DropdownMenu slot="list"> <DropdownItem @click.native="previewPC"><Icon size="14" type="ios-desktop-outline" /> 电脑</DropdownItem> <DropdownItem @click.native="previewMobile"><Icon size="14" type="ios-phone-portrait" /> 手机</DropdownItem> </DropdownMenu> </Dropdown> </div> --> </div> <ArticleEdit v-show="modalEditArticle" v-if="modalEditArticleVIF" :fieldList="fieldList" :id="editId" @saveOk="cancelArticleEdit" ref="articleEditor"></ArticleEdit> </div> </transition-group> <Create :visibleMap="visibleMap" v-model="modal_create" :select="selectItem" v-if="createVIF" @ok="refreshData"> </Create> <CreateArticle :groupId="checkedGroupId" :fieldList="fieldList" v-model="modal_article_create" :functionGroup="config.function" :article="selectItem" v-if="create_articleVIF" @ok="refreshData"> </CreateArticle> <Modal v-model="dialogMessage.show" :title="dialogMessage.title" size="x-small" @on-ok="doBatch(dialogMessage.item)" :mask-closable="false" class-name="visitIndex"> <div style="width: 100%; height: 88px;"> <span style="font-size: 15px; width: 100%; line-height:88px; text-align:center; float:left;">{{dialogMessage.message}}</span> </div> </Modal> <!-- <bModal size="small" title="分组编辑" v-if="groupEditVIF" v-model="groupEditShow"> <div style="width:100%;height:35px;"> <Button class="button-batch" type="primary" v-on:click="createGroup" style="height:26px;font-size:12px;padding-top:4px;margin-left:4px;margin-right:15px;float:right;"> 添加 </Button> </div> <div style="height:280px; overflow:auto"> <Table ref="groupTable" :columns="groupTableColumns" :data="groupList"></Table> </div> <div style=" background-color:#e3e8ee;width:100%;height:1px;"></div> </bModal> <bModal title="移动至分组" @on-ok="moveToGroupOk" v-model="moveToGroupShow"> <Dropdown trigger="click" @on-click="onGroupSelected"> <Button class="button-select-group"> {{this.selectedGroup.title}} <Icon type="md-arrow-dropdown"></Icon> </Button > <Dropdown-menu slot="list"> <Dropdown-item v-for="(item, index) in groupList" :key="index" :name="item.id">{{ item.title }}</Dropdown-item> </Dropdown-menu> </Dropdown> </bModal> <bModal title="分组名称" @on-ok="saveGroupTitle" v-model="editGroupTitleShow"> <Input v-model="groupTitle" placeholder="分组名称" /> </bModal> <Modal v-model="previewMobileShow" footer-hide class-name="sf-vertical-center-modal" :width="383" :z-index="999999999999999"> <PreviewMobile ref="previewMobile" :contentId="editId"></PreviewMobile> </Modal> --> </div> </template> <script> // import Helper from "../../commons/custom-query/helper"; import Create from './create.vue'; import CreateArticle from '../article/create.vue' //import PreviewMobile from '../article/preview-mobile.vue' //import Card from './card.vue'; import ArticleEdit from '../article/editor.vue'; //import draggable from 'vuedraggable' import NewsQuery from './news-query.vue' import news_Config from '../news-config.js'; const functionConfig = news_Config; export default { data(){ return { functionConfig:functionConfig, createVIF:false, modal_create:false, enrollTargetId:"", selectItem:{}, searchValue:"", filterData:{ published:"a1", valid:"b1", sendMsg:"c1" }, //previewMobileShow:false, edittingTitle:"", edittingPublished:false, hideCarousel:false, showFilter:false, showGroup:false, enterActiveClass: "animated slideInRight", leaveActiveClass: "animated slideOutLeft", modal_carousel_create:false, create_carouselVIF:false, modal_article_create:false, create_articleVIF:false, modalEditArticleVIF:true, modalEdit:false, modalEditArticle:false, carouselPreviewVIF:false, carouselPreviewShow:false, modalEditCarousel:false, moveToGroupFlag:"", noGroupSelected:true, fieldList: null, previewId:"", functionGroup:"", filterDefine:{}, editGroupTitleShow:false, dialogMessage: { show: false, message: "", title: "", type: "", data:"" }, //noGroupSelected :null, editingGroup:{}, editId:"", checkedGroupId:null, groupTitle:"", groupEditMode:false, moveToGroupShow:false, sideModal:false, selectedGroup:{title:"请选择分组"}, createConfig:{ function:"abc" }, groupList:[], visibleMap:{ title:false }, sels:[], editable: true, isDragging: false, delayedDragging: false, accept :false, listFieldDefine:{ }, groupEditShow:false, groupEditVIF:false, groupTableColumns:[ // { // type: 'selection', // width: 60, // align: 'center' // }, { title: '标题', key: 'title' }, { title: ' ', key: 'action', width: 150, align: 'right', render: (h, params) => { if(this.groupList.length==1){ return h('div', [ h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon-shanchu", on: { click: () => { // this.show(params.index) this.deleteGroup(params.row); } } }, 'View')]); }else if(params.index == 0){ return h('div', [ h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon--Wdown-t", on: { click: () => { this.downGroup(params.row); // this.show(params.index) } } }, 'move'), h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon-shanchu", on: { click: () => { // this.show(params.index) this.deleteGroup(params.row); } } }, 'View'), ]); }else if (params.index == this.groupList.length-1){ return h('div', [ h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon--Wup-t", on: { click: () => { this.upGroup(params.row); } } }, 'move'), h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon-shanchu", on: { click: () => { // this.show(params.index) this.deleteGroup(params.row); } } }, 'View') ]); }else { return h('div', [ h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon--Wup-t", on: { click: () => { this.upGroup(params.row); } } }, 'move'), h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon--Wdown-t", on: { click: () => { this.downGroup(params.row); } } }, 'move'), h('Icon', { props: { type: 'primary', size: 'small' }, style: { marginRight: '5px' }, class:"iconfont icon-shanchu", on: { click: () => { // this.show(params.index) this.deleteGroup(params.row); } } }, 'View') ]); } } } ], config: { "title":"公告", "function":functionConfig["publish-zone-news"], "group":true } } }, mounted(){ var that = this; this.initWithConfig(this.config); }, props:{ function: { type: String }, // config:{ // type: Object, // required: true, // default: function() { // return {}; // } // }, title:{ type:String } }, watch:{ "config":function(config){ this.modalEdit = false; this.initWithConfig(this.config); }, isDragging(newValue) { if (newValue) { this.delayedDragging = true; return; } this.$nextTick(() => { this.delayedDragging = false; }); }, modalEdit(newValue, oldValue){ if(newValue){ this.enterActiveClass = "animated slideInRight"; this.leaveActiveClass = "animated slideOutLeft"; }else{ this.enterActiveClass = "animated slideInLeft"; this.leaveActiveClass = "animated slideOutRight"; } } }, methods: { showGroupEdit(){ this.groupEditVIF = true; this.groupEditShow = true; }, monitorKeyboard(){ this.$refs.newsQuery.titleFilter(this.searchValue); }, changeGroupEditMode(){ this.groupEditMode=!this.groupEditMode; return; }, changePublished(){ console.log('start') var that = this; this.selectItem.published = !this.selectItem.published; this.edittingPublished = this.selectItem.published; var jsonData = {methodParameters:[this.selectItem.id]}; var purl2 = `/news/publish/${[this.selectItem.id]} ` GMS.$http.post(purl2,JSON.stringify(jsonData),{ headers: { post: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, } }).then(response =>{ this.edittingPublished = response.data.data that.refreshData(); }).catch(error =>{ that.refreshData(); console.log(error) }) }, saveArticle(){ if(this.$refs.articleEditor){ this.$refs.articleEditor.doOk(); } }, saveCarousel(){ if(this.$refs.carouselEditor){ this.$refs.carouselEditor.doOk(); } }, goBackToList(){ this.refresh(); this.modalEditArticle = false; this.modalEditCarousel = false; this.modalEdit = false; }, editGroupName(element){ this.editingGroup = element; this.editGroupTitleShow = true; }, deleteSearchValue(){ this.searchValue = ""; this.$refs.newsQuery.titleFilter(""); }, createGroup(){ this.editingGroup = { id:null }; this.editGroupTitleShow = true; }, previewArticle(){ }, upGroup(element){ var that = this; var totalLength=this.groupList.length; if(element.orderField == 0||totalLength<=1){ return; } var newGroupList=[]; var upper = {}; var select = {}; this.groupList.map((group,index)=>{ group.orderField = index; if(group.id == element.id){ select=group; }else if(!select.id){ upper = group; } newGroupList.push(group); }); if(upper.id && select.id){ var upperOrder = upper.orderField; upper.orderField = select.orderField; select.orderField = upperOrder; var saveGroupData={ function:this.config.function, groups:newGroupList } // TODO: 使用GMS.$http // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups', // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'POST', // data: JSON.stringify(saveGroupData) // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // that.loadGroup(); // this.editGroupTitleShow = false; // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.loading = false; // }); } }, downGroup(element){ var that = this; var totalLength=this.groupList.length; if(totalLength<=1){ return; } var newGroupList=[]; var downer = {}; var select = {}; this.groupList.map((group,index)=>{ group.orderField = index; if(group.id == element.id){ select=group; }else if(select.id){ downer = group; } newGroupList.push(group); }); if(downer.id && select.id){ var downerOrder = downer.orderField; downer.orderField = select.orderField; select.orderField = downerOrder; var saveGroupData={ function:this.config.function, groups:newGroupList } // TODO: // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups', // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'POST', // data: JSON.stringify(saveGroupData) // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // that.loadGroup(); // this.editGroupTitleShow = false; // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.loading = false; // }); } }, saveGroupTitle(){ var that = this; if(this.editingGroup.id){ this.editingGroup.title = this.groupTitle; var saveGroupData={ function:this.config.function, groups:[this.editingGroup] } // TODO: // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups', // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'POST', // data: JSON.stringify(saveGroupData) // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // that.loadGroup(); // this.editGroupTitleShow = false; // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.loading = false; // }); }else{ var newGroupData=[{ function:this.config.function, title:this.groupTitle, orderField:0 }]; var saveGroupDatas={ function:this.config.function, groups:newGroupData } // TODO: // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups', // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'POST', // data: JSON.stringify(saveGroupData) // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // console.log(data); // that.loadGroup(); // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.loading = false; // }); } this.editGroupTitleShow = false; }, groupAllSelect(){ this.groupList.map((e)=>{ e.selected= false; }); this.noGroupSelected = true; this.checkedGroupId = ""; }, onGroupSelected(ele){ this.groupList.map((group)=>{ if(group.id == ele){ this.selectedGroup = group; } }); }, deleteGroup(element){ this.dialogMessage.type="group"; this.dialogMessage.show = true; this.dialogMessage.title = "删除"; this.dialogMessage.message = "是否删除该分组?"; this.dialogMessage.data = element; }, groupClick(element){ this.checkedGroupId = element.id; this.groupList.map((e)=>{ e.selected = false; if(e.id == element.id){ e.selected = true; } }); this.noGroupSelected = false; }, saveGroup(){ console.log(this.groupList); }, orderList() { this.groupList = this.groupList.sort((one, two) => { return one.order - two.order; }); }, onMove({ relatedContext, draggedContext }) { const relatedElement = relatedContext.element; const draggedElement = draggedContext.element; return ( (!relatedElement || !relatedElement.fixed) && !draggedElement.fixed ); }, moveToGroup(){ this.selectedGroup={title:"请选择分组"}; this.moveToGroupShow = true; }, moveToGroupOk(){ var that = this; var ids=[]; var toGroup = { function:this.config.function, id:this.selectedGroup.id }; this.sels.map((sel)=>{ ids.push(sel.id); }); var givenData = { to:toGroup, ids:ids } // TODO: 这里为什么要调用查询组件接口获取数据 // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups/moveGivenData', // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'POST', // data:JSON.stringify(givenData) // }).then((dataStr, textStatus, response) => { // Helper.query(this.queryConfig.queryBus); // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // // console.log("err"); // that.loading = false; // }); }, refreshData: function() { this.refresh(); }, loadGroup(){ var that = this; // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path : '/news/groups?function='+this.config.function, // contentType: "application/json", // type : 'GET' // }).then((dataStr, textStatus, response) => { // // console.log(); // var data = JSON.parse(dataStr) // if(data.code == 200){ // var groupList = []; // data.data.map((group)=>{ // group.fixed = false; // group.selected = false; // if(that.checkedGroupId&&that.checkedGroupId==group.id){ // group.selected = true; // } // groupList.push(group); // }); // } // this.groupList = groupList; // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.loading = false; // }); }, initWithConfig:function(config){ this.functionGroup = config.function.name; var that = this; this.createConfig = {function:this.config.function}; this.showGroup = this.config.group; if(this.showGroup){ this.loadGroup(); } if(config.function){ var fConfig = config.function; if(fConfig.listFieldDefine){ this.listFieldDefine = fConfig.listFieldDefine; }else{ this.listFieldDefine = {}; } if(fConfig.hideCarousel){ this.hideCarousel = true; }else{ this.hideCarousel = false; } if(fConfig.tableFilter) this.filterDefine = fConfig.tableFilter; this.showFilter = (fConfig.showFilter) ; if(fConfig&&fConfig.fieldList){ this.fieldList = fConfig.fieldList; } } }, onActivityEnroll(data){ this.enrollTargetId = data.id; this.edittingPublished = data.published; this.edittingTitle = data.title; this.editId = this.selectItem.id; this.modalEdit=true; }, onRowClick(data){ if(this.accept){ this.accept = false; return; } this.selectItem = data; this.edittingTitle = data.title; this.edittingPublished = data.published; this.editId = this.selectItem.id; this.$nextTick(()=>{ if(data.typeName == "carousel"){ this.modalEditCarousel = true; this.modalEditArticle = false; }else{ this.modalEditArticle = true; this.modalEditCarousel = false; } this.modalEdit = true; }); }, cancelArticleEdit(){ this.refresh(); }, refresh() { this.loadGroup(); this.$refs.newsQuery.refresh(); }, showCreateCarousel(){ this.selectItem = {function:this.config.function}; this.create_carouselVIF = true; this.modal_carousel_create = true; }, showCreateArticle(){ this.selectItem = {function:this.config.function}; this.create_articleVIF = true; this.modal_article_create = true; }, publishNews(sels){ this.dialogMessage.type="publish"; this.dialogMessage.show = true; this.dialogMessage.title = "发布"; this.dialogMessage.message = "是否发布这些新闻"; this.dialogMessage.data = sels; }, discardNews(sels){ this.dialogMessage.type="news"; this.dialogMessage.show = true; this.dialogMessage.title = "删除"; this.dialogMessage.message = "删除后无法恢复,是否确认要删除这些新闻?"; this.dialogMessage.data = sels; }, previewPC(){ // TODO: // if(this.editId){ // let url = window.location.origin + SEDU.Config.previewPath + this.editId; // window.open(url); // }else{ // this.$Message.info({ // content: '请先进行内容保存' // }); // } }, // previewMobile(){ // // if(this.editId){ // // this.$nextTick(()=>{ // // this.$refs['previewMobile'].refreshContent(); // // this.previewMobileShow = true; // // }); // // }else{ // // this.$Message.info({ // // content: '请先进行内容保存' // // }); // // } // }, sticky(){ var that = this; for(var i = 0; i < this.sels.length; i++) { var jsonData = {methodParameters:[this.sels[i].id]}; // TODO: // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path: '/biz/simple/com.beecode.inz.opm.news.bill.News/simpleLoad', // contentType: "application/json", // data: JSON.stringify(jsonData), // type: 'POST' // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // var result = JSON.parse(data.result); // result.sticky = true; // var array = []; // array.push(JSON.stringify(result)); // array.push("置顶新闻: "+ result.title); // var jsonData2 = {methodParameters:array}; // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path: '/biz/simple/com.beecode.inz.opm.news.bill.News/simpleSaveAndSpecifyLog', // contentType: "application/json", // data: JSON.stringify(jsonData2), // type: 'POST' // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // that.refreshData(); // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.refreshData(); // }); // }); } }, unsticky(){ var that = this; for(var i = 0; i < this.sels.length; i++) { var jsonData = {methodParameters:[this.sels[i].id]}; console.log(jsonData) // TODO: // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path: '/biz/simple/com.beecode.inz.opm.news.bill.News/simpleLoad', // contentType: "application/json", // data: JSON.stringify(jsonData), // type: 'POST' // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // var result = JSON.parse(data.result); // result.sticky = false; // var array = []; // array.push(JSON.stringify(result)); // array.push("置顶新闻: "+ result.title); // var jsonData2 = {methodParameters:array}; // SEDU.Util.invokeServer({ // path: '/biz/simple/com.beecode.inz.opm.news.bill.News/simpleSaveAndSpecifyLog', // contentType: "application/json", // data: JSON.stringify(jsonData2), // type: 'POST' // }).then((data, textStatus, response) => { // that.refreshData(); // }).catch((XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) => { // that.refreshData(); // }); // }); } }, onSelectionChange(sel) { this.sels = sel; }, doBatch(){ var that = this; if(this.dialogMessage.type=="news"){ var sels = this.dialogMessage.data; for(var i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) { var jsonData = {methodParameters:[sels[i].id]}; var url = `/gms/bill/deleted/bill.announcementBillDefine/${[sels[i].id]} ` GMS.$http.post(url,JSON.stringify(jsonData),{ headers: { post: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, } }).then(response => { that.refreshData(); }).catch(error => { that.refreshData(); }); } }else if(this.dialogMessage.type=="publish"){ var sel = this.dialogMessage.data; 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